Days in the life of Manchester Architects, designs, buildings, ideas and drawings

Buildings, projects and ideas from Kelsall Architects

Mainstreaming Passivhaus

A few weeks ago we attended the 2019 Passivhaus Conference in Salford. The theme of this years conference was 'mainstreaming passivhaus by 2030' you can read a summary of the event here.

Amongst the horrifying statistics and daunting targets we discussed how the construction industry has a huge challenge ahead to meet targets. Trades people, architects and other consultants need some serious upskilling and higher education needs to prioritise building physics as part of the core curriculum. Part L and F of the building regulations need to be brought up to speed and the performance gap eliminated.

Despite the mammoth task ahead it was empowering to be surrounded by dedicated people who are taking climate change seriously and making change happen. Within the Passivhaus community, knowledge is freely shared and there is a real sense of a communal effort towards this common goal. There is hope.

naomi kelsall